Support us
If you decide to make in-kind or volunteer donations; Contact us!!, we receive:
- Healthy food.
- Linens.
- School supplies.
- Personal and household hygiene items.
- Skilled labor.
- Tutoring and professional services.
- Etc.
It is important to cover the basic needs of our girls’ home:
Food, Clothing and Shoes, School Uniforms, Transportation, Personal hygiene items, cleaning supplies, etc.
It is equally important to have Economic Resources to cover the monthly expenses of the essential services of the House as well as its maintenance.
Our payroll is currently made up of 10 people who cover the following positions:
• 1 Managing Director of FloreSer.
• 5 Workers who by schedule, accompany and care for the girls 24 hours a day, every day.
• 1 Social Worker.
• 1 Psychologist
• 4 Teachers of auxiliary academic subjects in School Regularization.5
If you decide to make in-kind or volunteer donations; Contact us!!, we receive:
They are received through the legal instruments of the country such as bank transfers and PayPal service as well as directly by contacting us. Rest assured that they are administered in a transparent manner and with the purpose of covering the needs of the girls.
Girls have now learned how to sew beautiful products from fabrics.
Also thanks to Katy, the girls have learned how to create beautiful piñatas.
You can volunteer at our fundraisers. If you have a specific talent that you would like to share with the girls, you can contact us